

You can edit your existing e-mail signature or expand it with one of the signatures.
Please don't forget to personalise the signature at the end with your hall and stand number.

Outlook 2003


Select the Tools menu


Go to Options


Select the Mail Format tab and click Signatures


To expand an existing signature, select your signature and click Edit. To create a new signature click New.


Open the downloaded signature in an Internet browser. Select the signature and copy the contents with the right mouse button (or Ctrl + C).


Use paste (or Ctrl + V) to attach the signature where you want above or below your existing signature.

Enter your hall and stand number instead of the placeholder. Confirm with OK.

Outlook 2013


First of all, save the signature to your computer or open it directly in an Internet browser.


To access Outlook's signature management feature:
  • In Outlook, create a new e-mail (click New E-Mail on the File tab or press Ctrl + N)
  • On the Message tab, click Signature and select Signatures from the following sub-menu.


To expand an existing signature, select your signature and click edit. To create a new signature click new.


You can now quite easily copy the signature and paste it at the desired position in your signature.

To do so, open the (downloaded) signature in your Internet browser, if not already open, and select the entire content (with the mouse or Ctrl + A).
Copy the content to the clipboard (right-click - Copy or Ctrl + C).


Paste the contents of the signature from the clipboard to your signature (right-click - Paste or Ctrl + V)


Personalise the signature by overwriting “XXX” with your own stand number.
Save the finished signature by clicking “OK”. You can now use the signature.